In Memory of Josh, we continue our fight for reform & freedom

In Memory of Josh, We Continue Our Fight for Reform & Freedom

Twenty-two years ago, a paper published in the Lancet terrified the drug industry and public health agency counterparts, threatening their profit and programs. The paper had thirteen authors that examined the case histories and current health of twelve children whose parents had told their doctors that after exposure to vaccination, their previously normal children had experienced “gastrointestinal disease and developmental regression.” The full story on this paper and what happened can be found HERE.

Yesterday, on June 20, 2020, one of those children, Joshua Edwards, passed away at the age of 27. Please read the tribute to him at Age of Autism. And read the story of Josh’s early life HERE. If you don’t personally know someone impacted by vaccine injury, if you’ve never experienced what it’s like to live with severe autism and you only see autism as “a different way of thinking”, then know you will find Josh’s experience very disturbing. More than a third of autism is severe. This is the autism and injury you don’t see on TV.

Today, and for always, we honor the life of Josh Edwards, and all those who have been unnecessarily harmed or killed by vaccines that could be made safer, that could be administered more safely, and whose necessity is in question given what is now known about the human immune system and how real health and resilience is attained.

We honor the parents of vaccine-injured children, who devote every drop of love and life and resources to helping their children as best they can.

For them, for the sake of future generations, we continue on, fighting for the reform of captured medical and public health systems, fighting for scientific integrity in the approach to disease prevention, and fighting always to protect our inalienable right to medical freedom of choice.

Disease prevention strategies must first do no harm.

“. . . there is no right to risk an injury to one person for the benefit of others.”

Henry K. Beecher, 1966, Ethics and Clinical Research