Weekly Stories about What’s Happening in Washington State and Stories of Interest to Washingtonians by Gerald Braude
In this newsletter:
- An Informed Life Radio references
- Be Brave Washington Tells Inslee To Go Home
- A Shot and a Treat for Port Townsend Students
- Washington Board of Health Meeting Set for November 9
October 28 Episode of An Informed Life Radio Notes and Links
Guest: Wayne Rhode
- Home (ipak-edu.org)
- HOME | The Vaccine Court
- CDC page claiming “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism”
- And link to one of their citations they claim is further proof that vaccines don’t cause autism: Increasing exposure to antibody-stimulating proteins and polysaccharides in vaccines is not associated with risk of autism Which says in the conclusion:
- “It can be argued that ASD with regression, in which children usually lose developmental skills during the second year of life, could be related to exposures in infancy, including vaccines;”
Guest: Bill Sullivan
Be Brave Washington Tells Inslee To Go Home
In a city where public comment is not allowed at city council or schoolboard meetings, members of Be Brave Washington gathered at Squalicum Creek Park in Bellingham this past Saturday morning to tell Governor Jay Inslee what they thought of him.
As they waited for the governor to arrive, they held up their signs, such as following ones:
- + Go home Inslee
- + Stop the mandates
- + Truth wins
- + My body my choice
- + Experimental gene therapy is not a vaccine
- + We do not discriminate or segregate based on sex, gender, race, creed, age, class, vaccine or health status. All are welcome!
As soon as Inslee emerged from his big and black vehicle, about two dozen Be Brave Washington members gathered at the edge of the parking lot and yelled in unison “Hey Inslee, go home.”
Wearing a fleece sweater and blue jeans, Inslee strolled past the lineup of hecklers and gave them the friendly politician’s smile to accompany casual waves and finger pointing of his hand.
They then followed Inslee toward the picnic shelter, and relentlessly yelled, “Go home, Inslee.” As Inslee approached the shelter, the awaiting Democratic Party supporters began to yell, “We want Jay.” They then greeted the Be Brave Washington members by saying, “This is a private meeting area, and you are not invited.”
After the rally, Republicans and Democrats crossed paths in the playground areas and traded debating points.
During this time, a Be Brave Washington member, holding a “pseudo science” sign, said the following about the Democratic Party rally:
“I was very disappointed that these little operatives kept blocking my sign. They don’t know what free speech is. They just want mouth platitudes. That’s why we’re in the state that we’re in. They don’t realize that the excess mortality is just astronomical whereas in 2020 it was miniscule. In 2020, only fifty people died in this county of this so-called COVID, and in 2017 only forty-four died of the flu. This was not ever an emergency. This is a complete propagandized created situation in which the vaccine makers can now make a killing. Now they are literally killing millions. In time, it will be known.”
A Be Brave Washington member holding a “Tiffany Smiley for US Senate” sign said the following:
“A lot of us went to an area where the speakers could actually see us and our signs, and the Democrats were offended by that. So many of them kept trying to put their sign in front of my sign.”
Democrat Get Out the Vote Protest Highlights and Interviews – YouTube
Be Brave Washington meets on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. at New Life Fellowship in Lynden at 810 East Pole Road. Before the meeting, The doors open at 6 p.m. for social/networking time and constitutional study. Below is the link to their website.
A Shot and a Treat for Port Townsend Students
As part of its newsletter to all parents, the Port Townsend School District sent out a notice last week for a “Trunk or Treat” COVID-19 shot clinic to be held at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds on Saturday, October 29.
Four protestors gathered at the Fairgrounds entrance. Three of them held up signs while one posing as the Grim Reaper held a several-feet high syringe.
COVID-19 shot protesters in front of the
Jefferson County Fairgrounds.
Car after car rolled past with kids dressed up in Halloween costumes. At times, cars that had to wait before being waved into the parking area took the time to read the signs whereas others stared the other way. Some passing cars honked in approval. Others flipped their finger, shook their heads in disgust, or stuck out their tongues at the protestors.
A sign planted at the Jefferson County
Fairgrounds entrance.
Amidst the Halloween scenario, the shot clinic was the first building on the right of the fairgrounds entrance. Those providing the shots were not dressed in Halloween costumes unless one wants to categorize the masks over nose and mouth as one. Despite its ease of access and visibility, children were not entering the building. Only a couple adults entered the building during the first two hours of the fair.
The protestors were from the Health Freedom Information network in Jefferson County. The network of about two dozen persons meets every Wednesday at 10:00 in the morning for breakfast, coffee, or tea at the Highway Twenty Roadhouse at 2152 West Sims Way in Port Townsend. Below is the link to their website.
HOME | HFI (healthfreedominformation.org)
Washington Board of Health Meeting Set for November 9
The next Washington Board of Health (BOH) meeting, scheduled for November 9, has loomed to be an important one after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) independent vaccine advisory committee (ACIP) voted unanimously (15-0) to recommend adding COVID-19 shots for children as young as six months old to the new Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule.
The ten member board of health, hand-selected by Governor Inslee, is authorized by law to set “immunization requirements” for Washington’s daycare and K-12 children. They must go through a formal rule-making process that includes public comment.
Last winter, the BOH convened a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to consider whether to require COVID-19 shots for Washington’s school kids. Although TAG members sat through days of pro-vax presentations, they voted not to recommend the addition, citing in part the 40,000 opposition comments from the public. In turn, the BOH voted unanimously to follow the TAG’s recommendation.
With the CDC’s latest recommendation, the BOH might change its mind. Public comments can be sent to the following e-mail address.
One can register for the BOH Zoom meeting as well as see the agenda HERE.
See ICWA’s COVID shot review of the BOH’s Criteria for adding vaccines to daycare and school requirements. (Since this was written, even more evidence has become available regarding lack of safety and effectiveness.)
Individuals who have already written to the BOH and as well as the DOH’s Vaccine Advisory Committee, have emailed us, showing us the response they received:
Thank you for writing about the COVID-19 vaccine and schools. The Washington State Board of Health considered this issue earlier this year, and voted to not include COVID-19 immunization in the list of those required for school entry. Therefore, COVID-19 vaccination is not required for school entry in Washington State. More information is available on this State Board of Health Webpage: April 13 Meeting Recap: Board Vote on the Recommendations from the TAG | SBOH (wa.gov)
The Vaccine Advisory Committee (VAC) will not be discussing this issue at our meeting this week. The agenda for VAC meetings are always available from this webpage: April 13 Meeting Recap: Board Vote on the Recommendations from the TAG | SBOH (wa.gov)
Thank you again for your correspondence.
Heather M. Drummond, MPH
Gender Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
COVID-19 Vaccine Director
Office of the Assistant Secretary
Division of Prevention and Community Health
Washington State Department of Health
564-999-3134 | www.doh.wa.gov
- April 13 Meeting Recap: Board Vote on the Recommendations from the TAG
- Vaccine Advisory Committee Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Materials