by Gerald Braude
In this newsletter:
- January 13, 2023 Episode of An Informed Life Radio notes and links
- Three More Deaths in Washington Following COVID-19 Shots
- Senator Cantwell and the World Economic Forum
- Ischemic Stroke Following COVID-19 Shots in Washington
January 13, 2023 Episode of An Informed Life Radio notes and links
Guest: Gina Webb
Home – The Moringa Tree (
The Well Nourished Home – Reclaiming the arts and skills that nourish the body, mind, and soul. Sophie’s Choice: A Novel eBook : Styron, William: Books
ARMED FORCES News: DOD Controlled Covid Vaccines from the Start
The role of the US DoD (and their co-investors) in “covid countermeasures” enterprise
American Domestic Bioterrorism Program
Three More Deaths in Washington Following COVID-19 Shots
Since this newsletter’s December 5, 2022 report on Washington deaths following the COVID-19 shots, three more deaths have been reported. All of them came after taking the Moderna jabs. According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System (VAERS) from the Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the total number of Washington deaths following the COVID-19 shots is now at 211.

According to VAERS, the total number of deaths reported in the United States and its territories following the COVID-19 and bivalent shots as of January 6, 2023 is 33,591.
Below are the three latest reported deaths in Washington.
The latest report was of an 81-year-old female. She was in excellent health when she started experiencing severe dizziness and profound weakness in the evening after taking a first dose of Moderna on March 3, 2021. This persisted with progression of nausea and loss of appetite. It got so bad that she declined a second shot. As the year progressed, she was unable to raise her hands to fix her hair. Within in a year, she was unable to do her own finances. By late November 2022, when she saw the attendant who filed the report to VAERS, her legs were tremoring while trying to stand after sitting. She was unable to touch her finger to her nose or alternate palms on her thighs. Cancer was diagnosed and the oncologist speculated she had six months to live without treatment and two years to live with treatment. She died two weeks later on. The VAERS write up reads, “She just stopped breathing on December 2, 2022.”
The VAERS write-up says that the 83-year-old female had received two doses of the Pfizer shot. She had experienced dizziness and hot flashes. The write-up says that the date and cause of death are unknown.
A 68-year-old male died on November 5, 2022 after two doses of Moderna jabs. He was diagnosed with cancer seven months after the second shot. As for preexisting conditions, the patient’s cholesterol had been normalized after taking his medications, but the doctor continued to prescribe them, regardless. The submitted write-up to VAERS only says, “tonsillary cancer, death.”
Senator Cantwell and the World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is holding its annual meeting in Davos this week, and Washington Senator Maria Cantwell is on the attendee list. The following link to an article in The Expose’ shows the list of attendees:
The Great Reset: The 52 Heads of State and Hundreds of Government Officials collaborating with the WEF at Davos 2023 – The Expose ( (Note the article inaccurately says the meeting was held from 10-16. The meeting begins on the 16th and goes through the 20th.
This is also a good time to add that Bill Gates was a 1993 graduate of the WEF’s Global Leaders for Tomorrow program. Furthermore, a search on the WEF website reveals that Washington Governor Jay Inslee is also affiliated with the WEF:

The following quotes show why this should be of concern to Washington residents.
As mentioned by Xavier Figueroa on last Friday’s episode of An Informed Life Radio, Professor Klaus Schwab, founder and Chairman of the WEF, is on video saying:
“We’ve infiltrated the higher echelons of government of all Western nations, so we basically run the show.”
The full quote from the video of Klaus Schwab:
“Yes, actually, there’s this notion to integrate young leaders as part of the World Economic Forum since many years. And I have to say, when I mentioned now names like Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin, and so on. They have all been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. But what we are very proud of now, the young like Prime Minister Trudeau, president of Argentina, and so on, that we penetrate the cabinets. So, yesterday, I was at a reception for Prime Minister, and I knew half of his cabinet or even more than half of his cabinet are actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum … It’s true in Argentina, and it’s true in France now, I mean, with the president as a young global leader. But what is important for me is those Young Global Leaders have an opportunity to come here, and we have established a course now since several years. And I think it has, this corporation has a tremendous impact because being here for a week really creates a strong community. And we, in addition to the Young Global Leaders, we have now the Global Shapers in 450 cities around the world.”
The most stinging quote about Professor Schwab comes from the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko during a July 4, 2021 interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola:
“Another scary individual is Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum. He’s very influential. He wrote the book ‘COVID-19 The Great Reset.’ In 2016, in a French interview … Schwab made an announcement that within ten years, all of humanity will be tagged with an identifier. If you look at the UN 2030 plan, which was crafted by the World Economic Forum, it says ‘America will no longer be a superpower. That’s a stated agenda. Then, my favorite is, ‘You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy. You won’t eat any meat. Fossil fuels will be prohibited. There’ll be a billion refugees, which will have to be integrated into your societies.’ So, my question is, what sociopath feels entitled to make a statement like ‘You will own nothing and you will be happy’? What entitles this type of individual, or group of individuals, to think that way? Well, they believe that they’re enlightened far beyond the average human or subhuman.”
The most comprehensive and thorough look at the WEF is the following link to a video report by James Corbett:
Meet the World Economic Forum (
Ischemic Stroke Following COVID-19 Shots in Washington
Dated January 13, 2023, the Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that “ischemic stroke” has been showing up in concerning numbers in COVID-19 vaccine data.
The announcement about ischemic stroke says the following:
Following the availability and use of the updated (bivalent) COVID-19 vaccines, CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), a near real-time surveillance system, met the statistical criteria to prompt additional investigation into whether there was a safety concern for ischemic stroke in people ages 65 and older who received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent.
Although the totality of the data currently suggests that it is very unlikely that the signal in VSD represents a true clinical risk, we believe it is important to share this information with the public, as we have in the past, when one of our safety monitoring systems detects a signal. CDC and FDA will continue to evaluate additional data from these and other vaccine safety systems. These data and additional analyses will be discussed at the upcoming January 26 meeting of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee.
Despite these concerns, the announcement says the following:
“No change in vaccination practice is recommended. CDC continues to recommend that everyone ages 6 months of age and older stay up-to-date with COVID-19 vaccination; this includes individuals who are currently eligible to receive an updated (bivalent) vaccine. Staying up-to-date with vaccines is the most effective tool we have for reducing death, hospitalization, and severe disease from COVID-19, as has now been demonstrated in multiple studies conducted in the United States and other countries.”
As of January 6, 2023, the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System (VAERS) reports 2,272 cases of ischemic stroke following the COVID-19 shot and COVID-19 bivalent shot with 155 of those cases resulting in death. Since the CDC and FDA announcement mentioned that the concern was for the sixty-five and older age range, it should be mentioned that 539 of the 2,272 cases reported to VAERS was in this age range. Ten cases were reported for the 6 through 17-year-old age range, and twenty-two cases were reported in the 18 through 29-year-old age range. Over half the cases—1,238—are in the “unknown” age category. This reflects the inadequacies of VAERS.
VAERS shows sixteen cases of ischemic stroke in Washington:

One of those cases resulted in death:
The death was of a 35-year-old male after taking a first dose of Pfizer on May 11, 2021. His date of death was not given. His entry into VAERS was on July 21, 2021. The submitted write-up states myocarditis onset on June 2, 2021. He was then found to have acute basilar ischemic stroke.