What about Polio & Smallpox?

Whenever issues of vaccine fraud, corruption, risks, dangers, or reform are brought up in any public venue, vaccines are defended with, “But what about polio and smallpox?” or “Do you want to bring back polio and smallpox?” or “Vaccines saved us from polio and smallpox!”

So it is important to understand a couple things.

  1. Chicken Pox is not small pox. Mumps is not polio. And even polio is not polio (see Dissolving Illusions by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, video below).
  2. Fixing the flaws and addressing the limitations and risks of each vaccine now on the market will not result in epidemics.
  3. The purported benefits of any pharmaceutical product does not excuse or make acceptable fraud, corruption, flawed designs, dangerous designs, dangerous administration practices, risks, or unforeseen health consequences.
  4. Vaccines are for-profit products made by drug companies that have been convicted of civil and criminal fraud for false claims in regards to their products for which they are liable for injury and death–and much injury and death did occur due to their false claims. Because of the 1986 Act and subsequent legislation, drug companies are not liable for injury or death due to any vaccine on the pediatric schedule or vaccines given to pregnant women (see the 21st Century Cures Act). We are in a “Regulatory Vacuum.” If a drug company is willing to risk criminal fees in the billions for products they are liable for, why would they have a different business standard for the vaccines they make?                 
  5. Published in the Journal of Pediatrics in 2000, and written by CDC scientists: “Thus vaccination does not account for the impressive declines in mortality seen in the first half of the century…nearly 90% of the decline in infectious disease mortality among US children occurred before 1940, when few antibiotics or vaccines were available.”
  6. Vaccination campaigns were NOT responsible for the elimination of either polio or smallpox. Both appeared to have disappeared through a combination of redefining and renaming infections after the introduction of vaccine programs, natural immunity, improved living conditions, and good old-fashioned detection & isolation.

The true histories of polio and smallpox are far different from the myths widely circulated. A search of primary historical materials reveals this.

Today, the smallpox vaccine is not administered, and when it is ever suggested because of bioterrorism threats, there is great debate about how it would be used because the dangers of the vaccine are very well established.

From the 2003 BMJ article: Bioterrorism and smallpox planning: information and voluntary vaccination:

“The smallpox vaccine involves a ‘‘live’’ virus, called vaccinia. Of all vaccines, it has one of the highest rates of complications—including death, disability, scarring, and minor morbidity. Hence the discontinuation of routine vaccination when eradication was accomplished. ‘‘For every million people vaccinated, 1000 may have serious reactions, 14 to 52 people will suffer life threatening illnesses and one or two could die’’, according to federal officials.”

And this from Emerging Infectious Diseases • www.cdc.gov/eid • Vol. 11, No. 2, February 2005

“In Edinburgh, the number of fatalities associated with vaccination exceeded the number of deaths from the disease. In Liverpool, ambulatory, vaccine-modified cases and misdiagnosis as chickenpox resulted in problems with outbreak control. The relatively slow spread of smallpox, as exemplified by the report from Liverpool, allowed for effective implementation of targeted intervention methods. Targeted surveillance and containment interventions have been successful in the past and should be explored as alternatives to mass vaccination.”

Below are a few clips of medical journals from the late 1890’s through the early 1900’s on smallpox.








