General Information about Aluminum
Are vaccine aluminum adjuvants safe?
A single vaccine dose is an acute exposure to aluminum for infants
Unexplained Rash? Aluminum Allergy?
Corvella Independent Italian research group analyzed the content of several vaccine products on the market and found not only undeclared contaminants but many were absent the antigens the vaccines were supposed to be protective against
Nanoparticles polluting vaccines – Stefano Montanari & Antonietta Gatti
Retroviruses introduced into vaccines in the manufacturing process- Books PLAGUE & PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION; Youtube video interview;
Global Concern
20 Problems With Vaccine Science
World Health Organization (WHO) 2019 Global Vaccine Safety Summit This gathering in Geneva of top public health official and vaccine experts reveals how their own messaging of “safe and effective” conflicts with the actual state of vaccine safety science. An example of this conflict is seen in this video: W.H.O CHIEF SCIENTIST CAUGHT LYING TO THE PUBLIC
Herd Immunity
Asymptomatic carriage by the vaccinated: Appeal to Remove DTaP & Tdap from school requirement
Herd Immunity: A False Rationale for Vaccine Mandates
Historical Insights
Before and After Vaccine Introduction
Human Fetal Cells
General Information on Fetal DNA in vaccines
Informed Consent
WA State Department of Health Violates Informed Consent
Marketing Fear
Microbiome & More
Microbiome, Microglia, & Epigenetics
Personalized Medicine
Pet Vaccination
Vitamin K